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Parker⠀⠀。ᴗ ᴗ ) · 6 answers · 6mo

QOTD — If you could give any game a sequel, which game would you choose ?

no clue but i want a new soulsborne game. and also for 8:11 chapter 2 to finally come out

ffxv :D that game the ends so sadly, and i kinda wanna see how everyone else deals with the aftermath of the chaos in game :3

so many of my fav games have sequels already... but it would be rlly nice to see a 3rd super mario galaxy or a sequel to super mario odyssey...

I'd choose Tomodachi Life (despite it technically being a sequel) but I love this game to bits. I have hundreds upon hundreds of hours in this game, and would love to see it brought back with newer and better content on a more recent console like the switch or it's upcoming sucsessor

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