🍈 · 1mo

which xtx ships are ur fav and why

well sccgyv are my fav bc i just love their dynamic and love story sm... they are the epitome of friends to lovers which is just my most fav trope ever. i want a love like theirs one day :')
does 0t5 count as a ship? ig i dont really talk about it but at the end of the day im an ot5 poly truther... the love between them makes my heart hurt like every single individual ship as well as their group dynamic is just perfect!! the thought of them growing up together and learning to love eo not even realizing when it turned romantic bc it was just so natural ugh </3
I honestly could never rank the ships but tyvnning is up there as one of my other favs :(( and I'll literally read/consume literally any txt ship idec tbh

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