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Anonymous Coward · 12mo

menurut lu kenapa sih kalo orang lagi pdkt gitu ada aja yang gak suka dan beberapa ada yang sampe kirim kirim hate anon ngata-ngatain. kenapa menurut lu? dan gimana tanggapan lu atas itu?

gue suka mikir kaya, ini gue dan dia yang jalanin pdkt apa urusannya sama anon itu.

Dearest sender,
Pertama, yang pasti as long as it’s proven you’re doing it right hence that’s not your fault anyway. Udah biarin aja, bisa jadi mereka begitu karena memang iri atau apa. Intinya jangan pernah kamu ngelakuin hal gitu ke orang lain juga. Terlepas dari mereka yang abcd ke kamu yaudah, they’re not cool anyway by hiding behind the name of anonymous.
Be kind, and kindness will come to you.

Anonymous Coward · 12mo

menurut kamu; nyindir orang di timeline sama aja jahatnya kaya sending hate anon atau tidak?

Duh aku takut jawab yang seperti ini since everyone has their own opinion. And i might ever do it that kind of thing with nor without purposes too, tapi kalau sending hate biasanya bahasa suka tidak terkontrol karena hiding behind ‘anonymous’ tapi kedua hal itu sebetulnya sama-sama gak baik ya.

Anonymous Coward · 12mo

jikalau mantan kalian jadian sama sahabat kalian, kalian ngizinin tidak?

If it was my closest friend, duh minimal mikir hehe. Ngasih izin pasti but i don’t really think everything would be the same like before. It would be awkward tho. Apalagi kalau mantan yang meninggalkan kesan buruk ke aku.

Anonymous Coward · 12mo

thoughts on cowok yang udah bikin kita romantically attached tapi gamau show off ke public, karena apa ya kira2? 🤔

I honestly not really sure for the answer, it’s only my opinion. I think, sometimes they’re just being too scared about commitment and won’t everyone know about what happened between them. So, their mutuals won’t ask either tentang ‘status’ mereka. Jadi ya let’s say, kind of HTS or backstreet.

Anonymous Coward · 12mo

ex-crush kamu masih aja gk berani punya status. what a shame xixixi

Dearest sender.
Please mind your own business and just let him be. I already have my man tho so, please get a fuckin life.

Anonymous Coward · 1y

i secretly adore you

I still figure it out which sides of me that could attract someone to say that she/he adoring me. But i am so thankful for having this kind of message by the time i just got home and exhausted with my day lately. Thank you sweet munchkin! ♡

Anonymous Coward · 1y

I love you:)

Anonymous Coward · 1y

Thoughts on @serendrine? <3

an enchanting little lady who lift up the timeline’s mood as usual. So happy that you finally embark a new journey with your loved one. May those flowery road would always on your path. Love my little Ceye! 🤍

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