Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Mysterious Asker · 2mo

You advertise it as a problematic Clarence server, not a problematic SumoJeff server. I brought that up once and it wasn't even in present tense or remotely dismissive of SumoJeff. If I posted it underneath your art that would be one thing but it was casual discussion. For you to write me off over that is insane. And no, it was super not obvious you didn't want that art shared. There was not so much as an implication of that. Now I'm understanding a bit more, you just didn't like the art that one person was posting and that's why you allowed your friend to bully them off the server and continue to make excuses for them. You're a selfish and toxic person who wants to surround yourself with yesmen. It makes me very sad because I have been such a fan for a long time.

Sure. Think whatever you want. Theorize all you want too. "Casual discussion" it was like your first message, wasn't even an established topic. I only mentioned it because that was me thinking "this person is kinda off.." because who goes to someone they look up to who draws basically one thing and says, "oh by the way, I like this thing more." Like dude, I didn't ask. You desperately need that social anxiety that makes you overthink all exchanges so you pull less of this shit. Look, my patience is thin, from people like you not thinking about some pretty basic practices online. I don't fucking care anymore, man. I'm tired of people like you thinking that I have to treat you like anything more than a stranger. I hope I don't get anymore fans like you! My main goal is to draw everything my brain can come up with and then DIE dude.

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