Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anon · 9mo

hi !! someone who's more articulate than me can do this thought justice but i think that it's kind of outdated and harmful to refer to not having an STI/STD as "clean" because it would imply that having one would make the person "dirty" 🥲 i say this because i got reminded of it because of the ask right below and i think using "clean" would contribute to the stigma people with STDs face when they're a lot of the times completely manageable and can be worked around if they want to have sex with other people <3 i hope you don't take this offensively, I'm not really shaming people for using the term still but it'd be nice for things to change

no offense taken friend thank you for the info ^-^ i’ll link this below the original ask <3 and i’ll also be careful with my own wording (if i ever happen to bring up sti/std in the future) because i definitely understand what you mean

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