ask me loser >< · 2mo

First of all I have a request. Can you please 🙏 make posts encouraging MOAs about collection daily voting points and similar activities etc. from time to time. Not everyone will respond positively but at least the interested one will not remain oblivious. It seems there are a lot new MOAs who are completely oblivious to such activities. Someone said, we MOAs are more like panic voters and I agree. Since not all of the new are active at X at all times. Yt, tiktok, insta is their primary source of information and it's seriously not promoted there at all. I'd go as far as to say, it's not even encouraged among MOAs to vote effectively compared to other fandoms.
Next, I don't really have anything to ask. Just take care of your health admin. I hope you're doing ok. May God bless you abundantly with happiness, prosperity and good health. That's all. Also, since you're a student. I wish you all the best in that. It might be hectic at times balancing both but be sure to reach out to someone if it's too at any time at any point. You're a hardworker so I appreciate it🫂 I wanted you to know that.

i will make sure to share about voting especially an important one thank you for this i hope you stay safe and happy too 💗

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