Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

secret pastry enjoyer · 6mo

Hypothetically speaking.. If you replied to my post again and I really do want to try what I offered/asked for in that post with you.. would it be alright? Even when the dynamic or the prompt might be different from what we had before?

You caught me twice already, but I'm embarrassed to come to you so soon after our last session.. but when I spotted you there, I couldn't help but want it with you..

hypothetically answering, yes, it would be okay. we can try any dynamic or prompt that might be different. i like to be versatile, be something else that i haven't tried before. no need to be embarrassed, okay? i would never want to embarrass you (coughs...unless you want me to.)

don't try to suppress your wants and needs, okay?

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