Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Wolf__Rayet · 2y

what hyper fascinations do they have

While she hasn't been as into it as of late due to a lack of time and blizzard being a nightmare even in-universe Shizuki is something of a major WoW-head with her going so far as cosplaying and attending panels for it

Jack loves tabletop games and in particular he has a fondness for D&D mostly because he loves DMing. Give him a chance to sit down and create for a campaign and it is where he shines and he's already got a mountain of homebrew stuff he's made.

Mal has a few romantic and post-romantic era books they have read a few times over to the point that some of the books they did had needed to be replaced because the spine of the thing simply couldn't keep being opened and closed like it was. Poor "Frankenstein" has needed to be replaced twice.

Alex's love for cryptids and aliens are probably fairly known at this point but if not the girl freaking loves them and a few conspiracy theories. The fun types like Roswell and Bigfoot not the ruin peoples lives ones like, well, most.

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