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Wolf__Rayet · 2y

what are there favourite genre's

Vardah is a massive sucker for cheesy action or horror movies, partly because that's what she grew up on (look up the origins for movies like "Lady Terminator" that came out of Indonesia because its wild)

Fabian to no surprise likes westerns though he has a fondness for older spaghetti westers in particular, like, maybe its the film grain, maybe its the music, maybe just the general cheapness that makes everything feel a certain way but he loves them

Shizuki loves horror movies, in particular haunting/ghost stories

Alex loves anything to do with aliens be it a horror movie like, well, "Alien", action movies like "Predator", horror-comedies like "Slither" or "Grabbers", or even war movies like "Battle: LA"

Carrie likes weird obscure black and white French auteur films. Like the absolute most pretentious stuff you can imagine where the director is so high on their own ego you can feel it and yet still watches them

Tara likes anything that makes her think or demands focus so Thrillers tend to be her favorite

Scott, well, Scott also likes action movies like Vardah but in truth he likes most everything with one exception. He hates super hero movies. He hates them so much.

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