Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

ā˜†ā˜† Ā· 19d

Please. Great and wise Ted. Is there any Wualva fanfics. You got me, an Alva main, and my duo, a wild wu, into this ship and I have nothing to read. Must it come to it I do have the power to bring this material to life, but alas I desire something immediately to satisfy this new hunger.

noā€¦..i hate to say i am the only person who makes wualva contentā€¦.:( i remember a year ago oomf said they were working on a wualva fic, but i feel too annoying to ask about itā€¦..i would love to try and write something but iā€™m just so super duper busy. iā€™ve been thinking of commissioning people too, but i am also low on money DINFNIWMDIWWEIJD itā€™s very roughā€¦ā€¦iā€™m sorry šŸ„¹

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