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Good vibes only


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goodviber · 1d

Helloo Jade, Sorry for bothering you about this but i was wondering if you can tell me if TDS3 tickets for La, Inuit Dome can be transferred now?
Im talking to this person thats selling tickets and im scared that their scamming me but at the same time they seem ..."genuine(?")
She's telling me that tickets are ready to be transferred so i should pay now so she could send them to me quick......
but im seeing ppl say that it cant be transferred yet...
Im so confussssedd

Hello! Sorry for responding so late 😣 I don’t have the tickets, my friend does but she’s saying they are not ready for transfer yet (they’ll be transferable 72hrs before the concert).

I hope this is helpful, good luck!

goodviber · 2d


may be this can be written for renhyuck? rj being the idol and hc being a fan who is pushed by his friends to use dating app where he came accross rj, flirts with the account to fish out info before reporting it for catfishing and telling rj abt it in a fs

I love the idea of them talking about it at a fan sign omg that’s so clever and fun :’) I’m gonna have to do some research for this (download a dating app for the first time) (LMAO)

goodviber · 1d

Can you plz write a little fic about how Dh misses Rj on tour, they keep missing each other's calls, & when they finally get to talk to each other they have phone s3x? 🥺🥺🥺🙃😁

This is so cute 🥹 I’ve been wanting to for a while… once I’m done working I’ll think about doing some drabbles 🥲

goodviber · 2d

so confused when u share a snippet for the final chapter for PoAK, i was like “did i miss a chapter??” turns out there’s only 11 chapters and here i am thinking its 12???? gsh i’ve been reading it from the day u drop it and i just realize now that its 11 and not 12 😭

At some point I thought it might be 12 so you’re not crazy!
But there’s a time skip in this chapter and it’s going to be long so I hope it’s a satisfying ending 💖

goodviber · 3d

What are your thoughts on sex positivity among kpop stans on Twitter? I don't think this largely reflects "real life" but I've seen SO many ppl shaming others for thirsting (reasonably, not even anything obscenely over the top!) when someone reveals abs or their muscley arms, etc., by calling them weirdos, freaks, you name it. Like why is it WEIRD for a fan to react with thirst when a hot sexy grown ass man is taking his shirt off on stage for everyone to see??

That type of criticism makes no sense to me 😵‍💫 I’m not sure if it’s related but I link this type of puritan reaction to the disdain for “gf stans.” A fan feeling attracted to an idol is natural. The idol/fan relationship is at the core of kpop! Whether it’s sexual or parasocial or more “cerebral,” the idea is to attract fans and generate support. I think these ppl are just unhappy abt other unrelated things and release it into fandom spaces… too much haterism 😪

goodviber · 3d

How do you like the aespa album?😍 Thoughts on the songs? Favorites?

I havent listened yet but armageddon made me cry (bc I liked it so much) (and also I’m very emotional this week). I’ll listen soon and share my thoughts 🥲 what are your favs?!

goodviber · 3d

jade your mind is so sexy 😍 please write this I will give you a billion dollars https://x.com/losfunboys/status/1796265042456781088?s=46&t=FwlbUoVA3RjRN6WnbASFKQ

Lmao I will! Something short and cute maybe over the weekend hehe I’m finishing up final chapter of PoAK so 😉

goodviber · 3d

Oh! [<girl who is trying to be normal]

Thank you for putting this all together 🤩

goodviber · 3d

Thank God, that's good to know! I was kinda scared to know at first, scared I would be disappointed since I'm not aware of your stance before yet. Glad to know now! Hope you didn't get offended by my question.

I mean I did get offended by your tone! There are better ways to start that conversation 😞

goodviber · 4d

You seldomly talk or RT about current genocide in Palestine, are you perhaps staying neutral?

Well considering I got in a huge argument with my family over the weekend, defending palestinian life, no I am not neutral. I have a life outside of this account and actively use my voice to educate the ppl around me, particularly those who don’t already agree with my views as I’m sure most of my followers already do

goodviber · 4d

i want to talk about something i'm experiencing just to see if you ever been in this position before,, so i've had an idea for a fic last year and started writing it but untill now it's nowhere near finished. i wrote, finished and edited four other fics since then but this one is just not budging. i just like the idea so much and so nothing i write seems good enough. do you ever get that feeling?

goodviber · 4d

OMG the eyes! The eyes are so much like Haechan's!

I wasn’t prepared for the cuteness of this pic 😭😭😭😭😭 ADOWABLE

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