Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

cassiel · 6mo

Would you be willing to pass on @mutual to another person to manage? Not forcing, but I'd like to if you wanted. I'm so sorry about the ableism you had to experience there, people really suck, you were doing such a nice thing and people just take that for granted

Thank you for offering! Truthfully, I would feel slightly disheartened if someone decided to make another account like @/mutual due to personal reasons. This is just me being transparent, though — I am not saying people can’t do as they please! Don't let my feelings on it discourage you if you do decide to make an account similar to it. If it's something that would make you happy, then ultimately that’s all that matters to me! I will always encourage & support what others want to do rather than force people to cater to me.
(If you meant passing the @, I would prefer not to do so! I'm sorry u_u)

Thank you for your kind words ♡ If I decide to reopen the account, I may accept others to help run the account in a more manageable way for me! On another note, thank you for complimenting my theme in the other ask! :) ♡ Your theme is very pretty & I love Nene sooo much!!!!!! ^o^

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