Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

huhhhh · 4mo

hi. i want to bring another perspective to what the anon said as i resonate with them. it doesn't always mean in a negative view. it's easy for your readers in tg to talk shit about this, but it's not for those of us who has been around for a while to witness a lot of your breakdowns. it may seem like we do not care about you now but really, we do (or at least did) care about you since the very beginning. but for the people in the tg gc, imagine writing several long ass messages over and over again, it's also valid for that anon to feel that way. we have tried many many times to comfort Puti but when it happens over and over again we eventually run out of things to say and we also eventually give up trying. i will say it again. it is only easy for you guys to say that NOW. needing validations and interactions is fine, after all it is your work. but you also have to consider from the perspectives of the readers who go out of their way to give you that validation only to have it go to waste, especially when it feels like you are IMPOSING that on us. i am not undermining how painful hate can be for you too. but as exhausting as it is for you to witness that hate, it is also exhausting for us readers who go through this whole cycle over and over again.

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