Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

qwerty1290 · 4mo

i think it's perfectly fine that you write for validation and that's really up to you because your work, your rules. i just hope you'd try not to generalise or "blame" the people who actually come out of their comfort zone to leave you words of encouragement and support for genuinely enjoying your works. they've moved out of twt because your aus are in tg, but you're expecting them to interact on twt... and then you're wondering why most of them are quiet... which is what i don't get. some of us are really trying to really interact with the au but when you tried to focus on the kofi people it was really... belittling us for a moment. i'm so sorry i had to get this out cause all they had to do to stay, was to pay.

sorry that u felt that way, in all honestly i wanted to delete it alltogether, but people who paid actually PAID to have access to it, i can't just take what they paid for back. i know how serious it gets when money is involved and i don't want them to feel scammed and i treat it as commission or such. that's my only thought process. in no way i'm favoring one over another

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