Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

<3 · 9mo

Nyemi sekecil itu tapi hatinya selalu besar. I am learning from you. Semoga kamu selalu bahagia ya, kecil.

manis sekali ☹️ i am shaped by the love i’ve received from every person i’ve encountered. i’m the one who’s still constantly learning and growing! aku banyak menerima kasih sayang dan mengamati cara orang-orang di sekitarku mengungkapkan rasa sayang tersebut. it is the love from my surroundings that keeps me going. there have been times when i’ve questioned if wearing my heart on my sleeve was a flaw, but i've come to understand it differently now! hatiku besar dan akan selalu besar, so there’s more than enough room for kindness and love. supaya aku bisa memberi cukup untuk teman-teman dan semua orang yang aku sayang. terima kasih sudah menyampaikan hal ini kepada aku ya! i hope that love always finds its way to you in all its forms! ♡

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