unknown lover · 14d

aku habis diputusin.. ㅠㅠ tapi keinget kamu and your love for the boyz, jadinya for the first time ever aku nontonin mereka. jadinya aku nangis sesenggukan sambil cekikikan!!

can you describe each member with one word please.. i wanna get to know them better. and rec me some songs!

hai, anon! i’m so sorry for what happened to you.. i hope you’re doing much better now, darling, i hope nothing ever consume you whole including the grief you hold right now. please feel free to hit my dm up if you want to talk about it 🤍

aku.. aku nangis kejer banget pas baca ini. being remembered for the love i have for someone made my heart so warm, it feels like there are flowers growing around me, keeping me safe. while i hope too, my dear, i hope the boyz bring you a lot of flowers to end your pain away. terima kasih ya.. terima kasih sudah ingat aku, terima kasih sudah ingat the boyz, aku, sayaang sekali sama mereka dan kamu juga! aku mau banget kasih tau kamu membernya satu-satu, tapi kayaknya bakal panjang banget kalau di sini.. you can send me a dm and we’ll talk, ya? ♥︎ here are some of my favorite songs from them: clover, whiplash, all about you, dear. i hope you’re having a good time knowing them better, little mushroom! feel better soon, okay? 🍀

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