unknown lover · 12d

Clo, aku mau minta advice.. Jadi aku punya temen and obrolan kita centered around relationship problems. Nah, he just broke up with his girlfriend around 2 weeks ago..?

Kemarin, dia ngaku suka sama aku. Aku kaget kan ya.. Tapi aku juga suka sama dia! I gave us a chance. Tapi malam ini aku kepikiran.. Aku takut dijadiin rebound. Aku takut nggak cukup buat dia. Aku takut aku nggak seasik mantannya. FYI mantannya itu really popular on Twitter, you prolly know her, yang mirip Wony itu. Aku takut nggak cukup buat dia. Rasanya kayak ngejar ujung tali yang deket sama jauh at the same time.

Dia sering lovey-dovey ke aku tapi tiba-tiba kering. Do you understand? Menurut kamu aku harus gimana..

(Tolong jangan ditweet, takut ketahuan.)

Thank you!

hai, anon sayang! maaf ya aku baru balas.. pesan ini nggak akan aku publikasikan, kok!

pertama, i hope my answer can ease your feeling that you are not supposed to feel love that is hanging to the rope—because love was not supposed to make you feel like that. while you assure me that you’re feeling the same with him, too, i suppose you can give some time for both of you as well! i hope you can make sure to yourself that you are not a rebound and you don’t deserve to be one. kalau semisal kamu bisa jelasin dan bisa ngobrol sama dia, please talk it out too, ya? for me, speaking the truths i have inside me is the key to have a stable communication relationship with someone else.

this might not be a lot, but really, i care you most and i hope you’ll feell better anytime soon. i’m just one message away, little mushroom! feel free to text me through dm, 'aight? you deserve to love and to be loved, nothing else in between ♥︎

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