unknown lover · 9d

kaakk do u believe in me if i tell u that you make me still believe in love when i read your works, thank youu so much for thattt kakk. thank you for spreading love in the most beautiful way. i hope you are loved by everyone in a same wayy. keep doing what youre doing kaakk. sending the warmest love ❤️

oh, dear my little mushroom, my heart is so warm as i read your message on my inbox. sunshine, i'm glad that you found your track to be in love again, to have a little faith in this life again, to accept yourself that you were born to love and to be loved, i'm glad my writings brought faith to you. worry not, angel, i will keep bleeding ink thus you'll stay alive and in love, forever. i'm sending my warmest love and my biggest hug to you as well! 🤍

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