Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anonymous · 2mo

In hindsight I would do it all over again
The wrong, the right,every choice I made in vain
I would repeat all my mistakes and stumble along the way
If those mistakes are what led me to you
Then that's just my fate

In this twisted world of fate
There's no wrong or right
One must pay the price
And walk on tin ice to win their shrine

What's the point of living in bliss
If you have not paid a price
One can only appreciate something
They have forever yearned for all their life

I had known your soul the day we met
It reminded me of an old friend I had never met
You and I were fated to meet
The red string across your finger lead you all the way up to me.

this is genuinely so so beautiful and won't leave my mind for some time, you are beyond amazing and I hope you can share them with the world one day :')

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