Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anonymous · 2mo

I'm glad you liked it 😭 tbh I have written a lot of them (my siblings and I have this poem thing every week where we write a poem related to a topic and share them at the end of the week with each other) I do often like my poems a lot but the only opinion I get are from my siblings and my bf. I'll share them with you a bit by bit ❤️

this is so heartwarming, thank you for sharing this bit of your life with me. Writing and sharing poems with each other at the end of every week,, to share a piece of the canvas that your heart is and also seeing a piece of theirs through this beautiful routine sounds so so nice. I read the poem you've sent recently and it's needless to say how much i adore it too !

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