Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Do you believe in karma? Your downturn right now is probably your karma after what you’ve done to hurt others. (Take a look back when you were very mean and you made them so awful, just in case you forgot about that) I think you deserve it, Miss.

oh honey, you’re no god aren’t you? i remembered offering some good talks between us so i can properly apologize for what i had done in the past because aren’t human nature is to hurt and to love? best believe that i have changed for the better, and i had sincerely extends my hand to made amends but here you are, refusing all of it yet continues to harass me anonymously. if at one point i was a horrible person, i am not now. but instead you are becoming what i might be in the past. do you believe in karma? but no, honey, i won’t stoop so low to pray for your downfall. i’m no god, afterall ;)

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