❝⠀͏͏͏͏͏͏RING 〜 RING .ᐟ ´ˎ˗⠀͏͏͏͏͏͏❞ · 3 answers · 5mo

   Whisper, whisper ⸺ my eyes gaze into thine inboxes。A question I bring forth, from The Narrator to all anthologists : what is the tarot card that best represents your bleeding heart?

Although I know little about tarot, I believe this'll be quite fun to research and answer. I'm searching for the definitions now . . .

Sigh ,,, Many of them seemed to fit me quite well, but I think that the " Two of Wands " was the most accurate, for the past is a very prominent topic in my mind. It's unavoidable, and therefore I am prone to nostalgia, of which usually triggers negative emotions for me. " Death " is also quite a good answer to this, for I have things to heal from that I've struggled to let go of.

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