Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

unknownymous pirate · 1y

Here are a list of undercover proshippers:
Aamaly3 (literally the centre of it all plus writes untagged non con apparently. Too many ppl follow bc they only know about her sfw fics and not the other stuff)
spicybinch (basically aamaly’s bestie. They do fic trades and all that)
cxscas_ (wrote megumi lolicon apparently)
dumdummika (they recently came out as a proship but said they didn’t wanna add it to their bio)
kvnjaku (we all saw the pairo ss and despite their “apology” they’ve doubled down on following proshippers)

So! If any of ur followers follow then pls use this to inform them ❤️ there are a whole lot more but I can’t remember right now.

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