Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Love · 12mo

Hello there, pretty little princess. I have a confession to make: I am having a huge crush on you (especially when I stalked your carrd and found out that you put Qiutong as one of your personas). I am dying to invite you to go on a date, but would you say yes if I ask you to use Qiutong and I'll take the Sunjing role?

oh my… what if i cry… i could cry a river!!! my sunjing, you’ve always been like this. speaking your mind blatantly as if it’s nothing without knowing it could paint a blush on my cheeks. x///x why would i turn down such a lovely offer? so, where are we going to go for a date, sunjing? ♥︎

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