Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anonymous nyam · 11mo

dude, i disagree with the last anon. I dont think you have bad takes and honestly? the thing you said ab ozempic was right. if youre so deep in ed you spend hundreds of dollars for medicine, youre not "privileged". plus, dont hate the player hate the game. the reason the medicine is expensive isnt bc of eds. its bc of big pharma. also, that person "have you ever heard of bulimia?" wtf. dont compare eds, dont say shit that could trigger that.

u r cool nd i wanna interact more mwa mwa

BRO THANK YOU 😭🙏 i’m in shock at how many people fail to recognize clearly irrational disordered behavior from a VICTIM of this fucked healthcare system. like people seriously think disordered people are the ones driving up prices of medicine??? i’ve never heard a dumber take in my life jfc. also crazy how blatantly pro ana everyone is, telling OP to ‘just starve’ or become bulimic like what the actual fuck

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