Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

Hey! I hope you’re well. I was wondering if you had any updates on In Limbo for us! It’s been on my mind for years now and I keep checking back on it hoping to see something new. Saw you mention on your Twitter last week that you were looking at the drafts again, so just wanted to see how that was going! No pressure absolutely but your writing and storytelling is just beautiful, and I thoroughly enjoy everything that you put out — so was just curious!

thank you so much, dear anon! i thought it was mostly those who just finished reading IL asking about the continuation, and it warms my heart to know that there are people who read it long ago and still would want to see the finale! ;w;

i did indeed dig up my draft not that long ago and even managed to get it out of a lo-o-ong stalemate in a way i think is quite satisfactory. taking a trip in mid-october also helped me get in the mood for brainstorming future arc4 scenes (i love doing it while listening to music on the long rides) and that's where the tweet with the scene requests came from.

the plan was to get down to outlining the entirety of the arc4 in detail last week but.. (forgive me for the TMI) i suddenly lost my dad, and am still quite reeling from the fact, the ensuing events, as well as the tension with other relatives who i barely ever contact. (plus, i'm trying to find a new home for his cat, which creates additional conversations..). no matter what we plan, universe always has its own plans for us, i guess, huh...

because of this, i'll need time to get back my mental health back on track enough to focus on writing. fiction has always been the best way for me to escape reality and i still see a lot of comfort in it. it's just that life events have been pushing my brain into much darker concepts or ideas that don't fit in my adashu longfic outline :'> i'll be trying my best to find my lighter groove though.

for now, the only update i can offer is that the draft has 2 standard-IL-chapter-length chapters in it so far. i also don't see the arc being shorter than ~13 chapters, since i want to cover many events before the trial (the major focus will be on the 2 months leading to the trial) as well as the trial itself.

the tweet with the scenes request is still pretty much relevant, by the way, so feel free to share your ideas either in the comments or anonymously here. (some braver people sometimes dm them too, heh).

and thank you so much again. hearing that my writing is engaging for others to read - albeit it always starts as simple entertainment and/or therapy for myself - is always mind-blowing and very joyful. and every anon like you or an ao3 comment on IL gives me more energy to persevere and keep telling the stories. thank you 🙏

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