Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

Same anon from before, I’m so sorry to hear about your dad. I understand, you take the time you need for yourself, and just know that all of your readers over the years - new, old, whatever, whenever — are here for you, and care about you. You’ve inspired a creation that I’ll be happy to share with you on Twitter when it’s done - and that I hope will be able to at least make you smile in these difficult times.

You were born with a wonderful talent to create and write your stories into reality.

thank you so much for the kindest words, support, and patience 🙏💙💦 hearing things like these truly just makes me want to keep up the struggle and write more. and i'm extremely flattered to know that my writing has inspired someone to create, too. wish you lots of fun with the process and looking forward to when you can share it! 🌸🙏

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