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Anonymous Coward · 9d

Punya niat lepas nsa ga?

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Rose? I love it, but not really. Oh you like tulips?
Me too white tulips! 😍
I'm into tulips and lilies. 😍
How about playing guitar, do u like it?

Yup white tulips more specifically, oh i love lilies too. Ofcourse i am, it's like my heart. Really

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Cheese and chocolate cake? Hmm.. that's good, i'll make it to you later. So, how's the journey to find me? Hihi.. i love flowers, also my name is kind of flowers (try to guess it on dn or usn). Oh do u like flowers? What's u like the most? Or maybe, if someone's cheering u with flower, what kind of em that do u wanna get? ☺️

Really? I'll wait for it. Hmm let me see flower rose? I kinda hard to find it anyway. I do love tulips the most, the white one. I'll take whatever they give me.

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

my day? was soo good, but not actually that good, happy to know that ur day was great. Arka, do you like cake? what cake do you prefer? Strawberry? Choco? Anw, I have a clue for you, I'm ur followers, who like the flowers most! Try to find me? 😉

I like cake, cheese cake chocolate cake. Oh i can't guess but let me try to find you

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Sini kemana? HAHAHA. Malu tapinya, padahal kita mutualan. 😣

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Eum, i think, i'm feeling comfy to communicate with you by this retrosping, i'm not that brave to reach u first, too shy maybe? anw, arka thanks to you for noticing me, how was ur day? good? ☺️

If you already brave to reach me first come okay? Been great but bored at the same time dear thank you for asking how about you?

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Ganteng, boleh kenalan engga?

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

I'm the one who said that you're yum, yum means yummy, and you look sooo hot, effortlessly handsome, that's why you look so yum. Wanna reach out u first, but dunno, you look sooo untouchable, so if i make a step first, thought that u might be disturbed 😔

Oh wow hello dear don't worry come and reach me first, you never knew if you're not reach out me.

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

daddy, nen adek gatel 😝

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

you look so yum, can i get close to you?

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