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anon · 5mo

give me your in depth version of how you view fyozai and their relationship :) im intrigued on how you personally view them as a whole

i don’t think you can even call them romantically involved it transcends that but in an annoying devoted way. painfully obvious that fyodor shares a mutual interest in dazai but simultaneously his attitude never conveys it, reluctant to touch sometimes or acknowledgement of feelings unless it’s to sway dazai’s decisions (dazai knows and doesn’t care). i like obsessive dazai sometimes and other times i think he has a curiosity for fyodor that makes him want to be the closest entity to him. i also like to think that they feel mutually relieved around each other because there is no identity to upkeep, since they could both see directly through each other’s farces. my dynamics for their relationship changes with my mood tho. i also like switch fyozai, usually bottomzai tho (both of them are still bottoms in my eyes)

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