Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous · 10mo

LUCUNYAAA, nama kucing kakak siapa mau kenalan donggg ☺️😆 Aku kemaren diajakin mama hunting takjil gratis xD seru bangetttt... Anwww, selamat pagi kakak! ☀️🐈‍⬛ As a reminder for today, stay happy and always give your best smile in living today, believe me that many people always love you {including me :D} hopefully your day is always fun and filled with many blessings every time, semangat terus kakak dan tetap jaga kesehatan ya!!❤︎

Kucingku banyak, salah satunya namanya Beruang. Aneh ya? Tapi dia gak krisis identitas kok dinamain Beruang, tetep garong kayak kucing. Seru banget hunting takjil gratis, dapet apa aja tuh? Thank you for the reminder ya! You're so kind, Chiro. Don't forget to say that to yourself too. I'm hoping the same for you 😊

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