
Haii im Botan, i like to draw stuff!!

I won’t be responding to hate or arguments here! If you’d like to talk to me my dms are open. Not taking reqs atm 🍮

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Anon chan ☘️ · 9h

You should read witch hat atelier and look at the at the trailer that they just put out for the anime (ㆁωㆁ*)

Anon-chan im proud to say that I’ve a WHA fan for a while now with 5 volumes of the manga 🫡 i just haven’t caught up with it in a hot second. It’s one of my favorite fantasy animangas ^^

Anon chan ☘️ · 11h

How was the utena experience for u?(P.S who was ur fave character?)

Anthy is my fave ever shes so silly and traumatized please save her oh god😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 also i’m not finished with it yet! I have a few more episodes left + the movie i believe

Anon chan ☘️ · 11h

did u and Leon r canon..

mysweetazul · 11h

HAI BOBO ur super cool and I want to interact more w u but I'm shy HELP

Anon chan ☘️ · 11h


I find her very relatable unfortunately but also I’ve only played nso once

I need to play it again 😭

Anon chan ☘️ · 5d

Hi!! Could you draw Itto and Sunday? They are for my silly oomfies

Anon chan ☘️ · 5d

I LOVE YOUR ARTSTYLE SO MUCH AND MALLESUZU IS SO PEAK ur headcanons are so amazing and i love them always and every post u make is the most real in the world

— Ciel / Sunday ♱ · 9d

I know there's still lore I have to rant about but what's your opinion in CielVil? Do you think they could win the VDC? I'm sorry if i only talk about my twstsona T_T

Anon chan ☘️ · 9d

Suzu reminds me of a deer like a baby one

That is so cute,,, he reminds me of the lps deer,, the white spots are so cute and also the flower highlight

Anon chan ☘️ · 9d

you have like 4 ppl following you named ciel 😭 ig a lot of ppl really like ciel

Anon chan ☘️ · 10d

i want to hear your opinion on something…they say bashing on pick me girls is misogynistic but then again pick me girls feeding into the patriarchy is setting women back so bad…wouldn’t it be feeding into misogyny if we let pick me behavior slide? like why should we let girls performing for men slide and then other girls will start thinking it’s okay to do that too

Anon chan ☘️ · 10d

Suzu reminds me of a cavapoo puppy a little bit

Anon chan ☘️ · 10d

suzu reminds me of those little buns that are kinda sweet and brown on the top i forgot thwir name but theyre really tasty i wanna chew him/pos

Anon chan ☘️ · 10d

I love your art! it is so cute, omg

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