Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

gay homosexual · 5mo

i truly do not understand the issue with just wanting to see two girls fuck. like, they're not real...there's nothing weird about wanting to "see two girls fuck" and it comes off as very self righteous, as if there's a right and wrong way to draw porn. every other point you made is good but i am struggling to find anything wrong with people who just want to use farcille to draw porn. why do we have to care about fictional characters to draw them...and who are you to determine if an another artist cares or not? you say you're not judging but that's hard to believe.

i literally said in the thread im nobody to judge. you do you, i will do whatever i want. u can get mad at me all u want but it still doesnt negate the fact that two women who have a lot of substance to them get reduced to just sexualized nobodies. I am not saying its wrong if u wanna draw farcille just for the porn, i have no issue with that, hell id be a massive fucking hypocrite if that was the case, however as someone whos a lesbian it is weird to me that that is all they are to some people. But again. Im nobody to judge :) you guys can do whatever the fuck you please. im not here to fight nobody bc Anyway i do block anybody who does just that with farcille. have a goodnight 🫶🏻 love you

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