Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

GingerFemme · 5mo

Awww... I'm so sad to see you delete your twitter, I'm really sorry people were so shitty to you, it's such a shame to see the community act so ridiculous towards you having a harmless opinion of having a ship actually be canon accurate. Is there going to be any other way to find a lot of the art you posted on the maltapuppy account? There was a large amount of it that meant so much to me and was some of my favorite yuri art ever, it would be devastating to not have any way to access it again...

Im not leaving forever. I plan on coming back before that account gets deleted permanently. For now i cant stand looking at my own art now how much stress it caused me to manage that account. I dont have any other account where i upload nsfw bc i simply do not have interest in making porn all the time as im not solely a porn artist. I’ll reactivate soon. Just not today. Nor tomorrow

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