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Ask me questions or praise me~ Either way works. Please don't delve into individual RP though, I will ignore those 😅


Maney footsimp · 4d

Imagine absorbing people into your beautiful feet and letting their souls suffer for eternity, just squirming and embedded into your dogs 😵‍💫😵‍💫 god where do I sign up🥴

Oh I think about that literally everyday. Imagine finding out that afterlife is a thing and you do have a soul, but that it's going to be forever trapped in some dude's musky soles...!

Maney footsimp · 4d

I'd love to become a tiny red smear you accidentally make throughout the day only to realize you stepped on a tiny little fox way later in the day that he's so unrecognizable you can barely make out it was once a living intelligent creature. :3

Oh, I can see myself looking at my feet later on to take a pic like the one you've just seen in my channel. Not even noticing that tiny read smear and completely unaware it once had a name and a life~

Maney footsimp · 7d

Thoughts on using someone’s shoulders as your own footrest? 😵‍💫
I’d offer myself without hesitation..,

I think it would be pretty comfortable. Although I assume my footrest would end up pretty distracted by the sights and smells....

Maney footsimp · 9d

Ever considered pictures or videos of using an exfoliater on your feet?

I don't think it's very much my thing to be honest, I've never even use an exfoliator myself x3 part of the appeal for me is keeping my feet kind of care-free!

Maney footsimp · 17d

Love how pink your feet look some times, huff >w>

Maney footsimp · 20d

Dude, every time I see your grime-coated, sweaty and sexy stompers, I imagine myself eternally attached to them, only able to move my hips forward, reduced to nothing more than a lotion dispenser for your rough smelly sole...

Sounds like quite the life huh? Would gladly have you as a permanent sticky addition down there.

Maney footsimp · 22d

Stuck beneath the indifferent underside of your sole for the year… once a source of general amusement, reduced to barely an acknowledgement… all because it cared more for servicing the maney over fixating on his friends in turn… lucky to last even a week… (A deeply simping Irish Fox Nerd).

A week? That's a very sturdy body if you ask me. Getting trampled with every step I take during my day is quite the treatment. Not to mention the sweat, the dirt...

(Wondering which irish fox nerd we're talking about~ maybe the one that goes exactly by that name?? let me know)

Maney footsimp · 22d

A certain fox travels abroad, spends much time with friends… immediately opens Telegram, witnessing the perfect sight of your soles… immediately starts longing to be reduced beneath them as nothing more than lint and dust… Perfect New Year… 🫠🫠

Maney footsimp · 23d

Happy new year, to celebrate I just did my first nut of 2025, of course to your marvelous, magnificent, gorgeous feet. I can't stop praising them, they're literall perfection, from heels to toes and without forgetting those delicious wrinkles and dirt all over those soles. Your whole foot is mouthwatering, really I mean it. I just can't stop thinking of pressing my face against those hot feet, licking them like crazy, kissing every single inch. They never left my mind once I saw them the first time.

Isnt that the right way to start the year? I love it. How about you go a step further and keep track of how many times you'll nut to my soles this year? Would love to hear from you in December about how much you obsessed over my dirty, sweaty soles. I'll make sure to post lots of pics to help you out~

Maney footsimp · 23d

The dirt and dust stuck to your soles is such a nice touch. What is a simple skip of a wipe down to you is absolute eye candy to the rest of us

It's just dirt sticking to a dude's sweaty foot but to you folks its a mouthwatering delight ~

Maney footsimp · 23d

Your feet look so gorgeous in the photos you take of them, truly good looking feet with a photogenic streak

Maney footsimp · 24d

Thoughts on tf? Whether it be something inanimate like a sock or species like a tiny bug

Oh I love it. Every day I think about how it would feel to turn someone into a pair of socks I'd wear until they're full of holes and worthless <3

Maney footsimp · 26d

Oh to be the dirt stuck to your sole and be degraded for wanting that. Something so low and humiliating. I'd love to be shrunk to a speck, stepped on, and stick to that sole.

Its literally the lowest, dirtiest part of my body, one I don't care for and that's dirty with floor dust, sweat and the like. Oh, to have someone like you sticking to the sole, never even acknowledged, really. Just sticking to a foot.

Maney footsimp · 28d

Those older pics of your dirty feet you posted recently, it really got me envious of that dirt. The fact it got to be smooshed and embedded into your sole tread, I want to be where I can bask in your sweat and smell. Sounds like heaven.

Funny thing is, I don't really recall scrubbing my feet afterwards. That dirt probably washed away with sweat or with more walking around. And to think you're envious of dust and dirt sticking to a dude's footsole. If that's heaven, I'm more than happy to take you to your afterlife~ hahah

Maney footsimp · 29d

The only thing I would've want for Christmas is to be able to live between your magnificent wrinkles canyon. Worshiping your feet for hours everyday and surviving from your foot dirt and sweat. Breathing your foot smell.
And of course I would let you chose how much time I would be down there and I guess I won't leave at all. And that's perfect

Oh, if anyone ends up as a tiny little addition to my foot they're not leaving at all. I hope you like the prospect of living on footsweat and grit.

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