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Anonymous · 28d

Does Brennan have a model without a beanie on? (His hat)

Anonymous · 1mo

Does the artist have a pantless model in the poop scene? Just curious lol

He does! I think it's pretty clear even in regular gameplay that the model's private bits are featureless and just have a shadow texture over probably would be more traumatizing for the audience to have to see any more than necessary after hearing so much lol

Anonymous · 1mo

Best mustache in game?

Sathi!!! Runner up to Toporov because his facial hair looks really well-maintained for being on a sailing ship. Then again, he does have a pipe, so maybe he's a guy who's for being a little fancy in his day-to-day life.

Anonymous · 2mo

In the Bitter Cold, in the hammocks, are there actual character models or just placeholder models since the faces dont show up? (Like the ones whose only legs appear)

Everyone who doesn't have some kind of distinguishing feature sticking out from their blanket is just a placeholder with a blank face and generic trousers/shoes. But for those who do (#37, #38, #39) they have their normal models there!...but shirtless :P

Anonymous · 1mo

You're back! :)

I am!! Hopefully I'll try to stick around but I might be more scarce around here 🙃

Anonymous · 1mo

U alright, Marchen?

I am alive!...but very tired and very busy and very much at a loss for inspiration...I'll try to reply to things as soon as I am able!

Anonymous · 2mo

Last post was hilarious! I wonder if there are more hidden tricks that Pope made invisible in the gameplay, would you know any?

Well, I can't think of many off the top of my head, nor have I really dug around that much, but I wouldn't be surprised if there were more!

Anonymous · 2mo

Does any of the Russians appear to be cheating in the Bitter Cold scene?
"Hey, stop your cheating"
"Worry about yourself"

I think many have surmised that Volkov is the one cheating due to the voice actors, and then the fact that he's holding some of his cards towards his lap compared to the others who have their hands on the table, but...I took a closer look, and there's some irrefutable proof that Volkov is the one cheating (that you can't see during normal gameplay) that I'll post about in detail 💀

Anonymous · 2mo

Can you post Peter dead model? You made us curious hahaha

Anonymous · 2mo

Does Huang Li have a toasted dead model after being hit by a lightning?

He...doesn't! He doesn't even have a different texture when he falls and when he hits the capstan...he just has his eyes open and skin unburnt like normal. And not even Charlie has a different texture for is death, probably because his face is obscured when he's on fire and when his corpse is curled up on the ground. Now, Peter on the other hand...let's just say that it looks like a Photoshop Soft Round Brush in black was daubed on the face of his dead texture, lol :')

Anonymous · 2mo

marchen!! i have a what if scenario!! what if it was only galligan who survived the row boat incident? do you think he'd go try to go back to the obra dinn?

Anonymous · 2mo

Marchen, have you seen Henry Brennan Gaming Steam Group? You should def join it

I have not! ...and actually that's probably because I'm rarely on Steam, let alone gaming on PC...or gaming in general...I spend 10% of my time actually playing games and then 90% of the time thinking about, writing for, or drawing things from games 😳

Anonymous · 2mo

do you think peters instantly regretted knocking out that certain bloody dane? he sounded like a pretty timid fella in the other transcripts

Anonymous · 2mo

Do not force urself to draw tho

Yeah, I'm kind of hitting a wall with anxiety whenever I pick up a pencil... but I'll do my best!

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