Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

bug · 1y

tulips were destined to you, i see, if many painters can claim different flowers, why couldn't you?
what's your favorite 80's song? maybe you could recommend me something, heh. well then according to your spotify wrapped i think you're a whole huge world then!

it's kinda funny cuz i didn't receive any tulip from someone, i always buy them by myself. TT
my favorite 80s song is probably 'every little thing she does is magic' by the police but i love the cure too. and i recommend to you this song directed from my playlist: (you might think - the cars)
i think i'm a music lover, it doesn't matter what genre is as long as i feel something with the lyrics or rhythm. now you have to recommend me one of your favorite rock songs.

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