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A fleeting mimocrocodile · 11mo

Hmmm cute HCsss nu hits me in a very specific poly love, Eiden being the centre and the way he shows his love to all of the lads is unique, even the ones who are more closed off. The sweet way he works with Yakumo to open up and be more comfortable, teasing Edmond to get him to be more emotionally open yall know I'm a huge polyclan truther but its Eiden who is the heart of it!!! I'm amazed by the guy's ability being So chill with everyone, albeit I do want to see some long-lasting conflict between him and clansmen... like ooooh I CRAVE the moment when he would get caught in being dismissive of his own negative feelings and being too good at putting a smile on!! We did see that with Garu catching him in ABO event and with Quincy during the Festive Glimmer but I WANT MOREEEEE I WANT EIDEN TO RELY EMOTIONALLY ON HIS BOYS!!!
But besides that, yes, tbh out of all canon ships my heart flutters over EiOli and BladEi the most (maybe bcs I relate to Blade and Olivine the most LOL). Eiden being the part of Olivine's path of letting himself loose and relax and be selfish is just so... So GOOD!!! And with Blade Eide n is also as understanding and patient with him as Blade is figuring out his emotions and his past abandonment...
I am very intrigued about how the character development will go from now on, considering that even Kuya is starting to be more affectionate with Eiden and get along with others... I wonder what other issues the game will tackle and let the boys go through together!

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