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A fleeting mimocrocodile · 11mo

what do u think of blade x dante

First and foremost anon i need to repeat like a broken record that i love Blade with every clansman + eiden and familiars.... He bounces off everyone really well just like GaruKaru do!!! Augh h hhhh I love Bladie so much..
Second of all yea so ofc I'm Absolutely obsessed with Dante and Blade's dynamic bcs it's the good ol the grumpy and the happy-go-lucky one combo. Every time I see them together on the screen I know we gonna have some good laughs because Blade makes fun of Dante so effortlessly and Dante's jabs always miss Blade in turn. It's SUCH a delight to witness, it never gets old to me and I dream of an event with them two

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