MAR 🔪 · 5mo

top five of naruto ships mayhaps >:00

THIS IS DIFFICU-im just kidding i have a lot of opinions and youre gonna hear them i hope youre ready

  1. narusasu - this is the classic ship theyre canon in everyway to me. its crazy how much canon material they have, its almost more shocking if you dont like them. my opinion is that naruto tops and all uchihas are bottoms i cant change this dont fuckin @ me on it im right in every way.
  2. kakagai - this was one of my first ever naruto ships even before deidara was introduced so its got a special place in my heart and i cant make it quit. i love old men who are old and men together. chefs kiss. theyre really soft to me.
  3. gaalee - ships who break each others limbs together stay together i cant lie and say i wasnt absolutely devastated to say there wasn't more of them in shippuden its a fucking crime.
  4. nagato bicycle shipping - this is a curve ball because i think not a lot of people think about him but when i think critically about characters who come up constantly in my thoughts nagato is always there. i love a man who's ribs are showing, hollow cheeks, bony ass and i dont CARE whos giving him his last daisy doe riding rodeo on his hospital bed but i know that i want him to be crying and blushing like a teenage girl receiving a prom queen award
  5. tobito/deidara - they are. the blueprint. ive loved them since i was like ten and its not going to stop anytime soon. i love it especially if deidara is transmasc and exploring obito's plans being ruined by a blonde twink. 16 layers of angst vs emo eyeliner supremacy.

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