
NSFW writer, commissioner of cursed shit, answerer of questions!

PFP art by filthyopossum/@opossumfilthyll.

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Anonymous Coward · 9mo

favorite Pokemon?

Always had a soft spot for some of the more... unconventional designs, like Corphish and Crawdaunt, as well as Crabrawler. Off the top of my head, there's also Scolipede, Darmanitan, Psyduck, Snorlax, Lickitung, Tyranitar, Aggron, Torkoal, Garchomp, Excadrill, Seismitoad, Krookodile, Toxtricity, and Cramorant, to name a few.

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

Scenario: you're living by yourself. Would you rather be naked, in your underwear, or in your pj's all day

Naked. I already walk around in my underwear all day unless it's the winter or I have company, so that's a no-brainer.

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

are you a winter guy or a summer guy?

Definitely more into summer than winter. While I hate the heat and constant bugs that appear during the summer, I'm also not a big fan of the snow (and the shoveling that comes alongside it), the heavy coats, and of course, the constant cold. So yeah, summer wins, if only by a hair.

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

Didn't know that you wrote stories. What sort of things do you write? And do you only write for stuff you know or will you write whatever?

Mostly smut/NSFW-type stories, though I will write the occasional SFW story from time to time. I usually only write for things that I know, but if it's something that I haven't seen and it interests me enough, I'm usually open to at least hearing the idea first.

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

you know that "blacked" meme, with the one person on the couch and five guys standing behind them. Which five characters are there for you?

I actually didn't know about that meme until just now. Hmmm... I guess maybe Bombo, Crocco, Glenn, Cutty, and Buff Frog.

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

Do you look forward to writing again?

Funny you ask that. I was actually dabbling into writing as of late to get back into the groove of things, especially with some of the shows I've been watching lately. I was also considering asking if people were interested in seeing some new material and what they were looking for in particular. So, yeah, no promises, but you might be seeing some new stuff down the pipeline at some point or another!

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

Should I get the soup or the salad?

I'm more of a soup guy myself, so I say go for that unless you're watching your health or something.

Anonymous Coward · 10mo

how many of your husbando would you top and how many of them would you bottom to?

Hmmm... that's a very specific question... I dunno if I could've chose any in particular, so I decided to go through all of them for fun! The list got pretty long, so I don't think it'll fit here, but here's a link, if you're interested!

Anonymous Coward · 10mo

which of your husbando would you marry in a heartbeat?

Probably either Jeremy, Cutty, Buff Frog, or Glenn. They all speak to me in their own ways, if ya catch my drift.

Anonymous Coward · 10mo

Looking over your list of characters you like. out of all of them so far. if you could only pick one to absolutely fuck you silly for one whole year, which one would you pick.

Probably a tie between Dexter Jettster and Chef.

I could see either one of them intentionally working me over on the job, tiring me out, only to proceed to tire me out even more on the kitchen floor when no one's looking.

Honorary mention goes to DeWayne from Middlemost Post, for similar reasons, as well.

Anonymous Coward · 1y

What character would you immediately cum to if you saw them rn?

Anonymous Coward · 10mo

if you had to be a fictional race from any video game, cartoon, anime, etc. what race would you want to be and why?

Hmmmm... I actually have a couple, so I dunno if I can pick just one! Going off the top of my head at the moment, maybe the Seeq or Bangaa from the Ivalice Final Fantasy games, or a Bombo or Snyakutz from Monster Allergy.

Anonymous Coward · 10mo

Me being curious about your banner: what is that?

It's a panoramic edit of a small scene from a little-known series called Monster Allergy. Season 2, episode 9, to be exact.

Anonymous Coward · 1y

Also, what WAS that Treasure Planet wet dream you had?

I was basically at a carnival or a play or something similar where there was a bunch of the aliens from the movie hanging about. I notice Grewnge amongst them and I try to get closer to him, eventually getting him alone. I then begin to caress him, seducing him, eventually sucking him off before he had to leave. I don't remember if he came or not, but that dream gave me such a raging hard-on that it made we wanna skim through the movie for him to make sure I wasn't crazy or anything. Sorry for the late reply.

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