Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous bunny · 2mo

Love, compassion, patience, and silliness are the best 🩷

I'm super happy people came to your defense, and seemingly reached out to you. Twitter/X can be brutal to good people, something we shouldn't have to go through alone. I was too cowardly to say anything until others did, but just know, my heart went out to you the entire time. Literally couldn't stop thinking about it and fearing what might happen to you on here. Seeing the amount of support and defense that came out in your favor really helped ME, even before you gave a proper response. Helped me to remember that not everyone on this app is quick to demonize, and is actually open to nuance, understanding, and open dialogue.

Like, really. I can't help but appreciate everyone on here who showed that: yes, the world can be unfair, but sometimes kindness really does prevail above all! 🥹 <3

I was honestly in shock at seeing people sticking to my side and going to talk to me about it. This makes it all feel so much better, to know I can count on the friends I made here and even the ones that aren't so close but we are all a community of silly mnsvngers standing for each other 🥰 I am very thankful for that!

A big fuck you to the people who made the account, we will not let them in! 🫶

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