Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous bunny · 2mo

I am in love with your patience and understanding. I strive to be that, actually. I just know you have a heart of gold. So good, fostering a safe and loving environment. Anyone who unfollowed was probably a little too narrow minded anyways. I'll pray for them though, everyone deserves to know kindness, even if only a little. Sending lots of love and hugs :3

Awww bunny thank you! I'm all about killing with kindness because trading harm for harm isn't good for anybody. Fuck that they are assholes, we aren't, let's never forget that! And for the people who unfollowed, I bet they had their reasons and wow too bad for them bc I'm always on the tml 😆

Sending you love and hugs right back 🫂

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