Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous bunny · 16d

Queen where are you my queen i miss you :(
I'm struggling to stay here too, this place is so stressfull and it's a shame because it could be so fun if it wasn't for some people...
But just know that i still think about your rope bunny svng a lot ♡

Aw bunny you are sweet!!! It warms my heart knowing you miss me 🥰 but rn I'm enjoying my summer, getting a nice tan and being a spoiled princess, I can't stress myself on twt 😪
yeah, it's a rough time for nsfw but soon the rotten apples disappear, I've been enough time on nsfw to know they eventually go away and the fun will be back!!
I'll be back with more rope bunny jsvng in the future! 💕

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