Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anonymous · 2y

George fuccking a bratty Dream?

bratty dr34m is interesting cause to me hes the kind to just go all subby and pliant the second he gets his dick wet. But I can imagine him being whiny and desperate enough to brat. Like g could be teasing him and hes just so desperate that he begs and begs to be touched, and when g doesn't, he refuses to listen to his orders. Until g decides that that simply won't do, he flips him over and fucks into him hard, telling him that he needs to be good and that he needs to /listen/. Dr34m gasps and whines, and g holds him down and tells him to shut up. Of course, he just can't stop letting out loud sounds, so g calls him /bad/. And instead of taking it, he brats. He tells g3org3 to take it back, to call him good, or else he'll leave. And g can't have that, d's not the one who gets to make the decisions here, so he mussels him and fucks him harder. It's a good way to deal with a bratty sub.

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