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gmg consumer · 4mo

this might sound a little controversial and harsher than i intended, but some people are trying to make gmg's size difference bigger than it actually is. disclaimer: i'm strictly talking about the body sizes, not their hands. so, our perception depends a lot on angles and how a person is positioned in the frame, especially in the photos; it can make a person look much bigger/smaller. if gmg are standing in the same line in the center of the frame and are being filmed from the same angle, then you'd see that geon is just taller and has slightly wider shoulders, but the rest is pretty much the same. if anything, maet is buffer, which he obviously would be, considering that he works out constantly. so what i'm saying is, of course people are entitled to imagining whatever they want and it's not that deep, it's just that it reminds me a little bit of toxic yaoi stereotypes from the 90s, where uke is this small helpless wide-eyed thing and seme is 10x bigger muscular bull, and some people can't seem to look at gmg differently than that lol (i really don't want to offend anyone)

Honestly anon I do get what you mean! But I honestly haven't seen it over exaggerated to an extent where I've found it frustrating because their height difference in itself is pretty significant which I think is the main thing people focus on. Like I agree their waists for example are similar in size and Mttw is buffer but so far generally I haven't been too bothered by how the rps fandom address it. I will say I get pet peeved by any kind of Mttw over-twinkification - especially when he's drawn without muscles bc like??? He Is Muscle.

But to be fair I haven't read any fics in quite a while and I'm not sure what specific part of the fandom you're referring to so I might just not be seeing it. I will say I also can agree that it's annoying that people can view them based on only that superficial part (the size difference) but I think our community has grown SO much and I've seen more and more people appreciate them for their dynamics, their personalities, their love for each other, so I think that superficial-ness can lead to better things as people get interested and discover more about them! You're frustrations are totally valid but I will say I think there are many people who appreciate them for far more than their size difference which considering they are an rps yaoi ship is pretty crazy and special in itself! <3

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