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gmg consumer · 4mo

maet calling geon his guardian angel just means so much to me because last year he was always on his oppa agenda and kept trying to come off as this Big Strong Guy who is reliable... really nice to see that geon is someone maet can rely on and find comfort in...

The guardian angel thing has so many layers to it because of the fact that Gw called Mttw his guardian angel first, and so for Mttw a year later to say the same about Gw...

I feel it really reflects how their relationship has developed and that Mttw has learnt to lean on Gw in his own way too. And yeah just that they trust and rely on each other and have each other's back. The way we get to watch their trust and love in each other continue to grow day by day is truly such a gift. I feel so lucky to be able to watch and experience it in real time - I feel like it's teaching me a lot about love and care too!

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