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gmg consumer · 4mo

are there things do u think are particularly unique with geonmaet off other jebe duos?

Before I answer this question, important disclaimer: these are my opinions, this is no diss to other duos, just my own views. Each duo is unique and lovely in it's own way. It's part of why jebe get on so well as a group is because everyone gets on so we have lots of unique and lovely dynamics and I just love everyone. Jebe is my ride or die group. Bin voice SARANGHANEUNDEEEEEEEEEEEE

I'm not going to make comparisons to other duo's instead I am simply going to wax poetics about what I find special and unique about what they have in general.

They are a meeting of mind, heart and body that is grounded in reality. What they have together isn't some intangible thing, it wasn't written in the stars that they would meet, they aren't reincarnations of tragic figures, destiny hasn't played a part in what they have. They chose each other. And continue to choose each other every day, and work hard to choose each other well into the future. They compliment one another with their subversiveness, and provide support for each other in ways that neither had experienced previously. They give each other what they both have been looking for and it's not by accident.

What gmg have is something grounded in trust, loyalty, friendship and fondness, which has grown organically and over time. A 'slowburn' of sorts, the more they found out about one another, the more they fell. Their communication is unique and unmatched, they soothe each other in ways neither had previously thought possible but it's still so very real. Neither expects the impossible from the other, they acknowledge each other's faults and love each other because of them. They continue to learn more about each other every day and hunger for more. But rather than falling into an abyss of obsession, they take their time with it, they are gentle and considerate. They pace themselves with their love and are patient.

They also support each other through their short comings, I've mentioned many times the different ways they act as pillars for one another, but it truly is something that I admire so deeply. They don't drag one another down, they build each other up and help each other when they need it. Geon helps Maet express himself when words fail him, and Maet's there to ground Geon when he gets too in his head. They compliment each other very well, but they are considerate of that and they work beyond that natural ease between them to make sure that what they have together will keep working. They are constantly putting effort into what they have and will continue to water the flower that is their relationship, because both of them want it to thrive.

They aren't perfect and I'm sure what they have isn't perfect either, but they want the best for one another and will do whatever they can to support and build each other up so that they can be the best version of themselves they can be. They treat each other with love and kindness in a way that is so functional, so healthy, and so real, that it gives me hope and understanding of what a healthy love, a healthy relationship, should look like. And I am thankful for being able to see what they have grow, and watch it bloom.

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