Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Message Board NPC · 3mo

it's actually genuinely shocking to see you go out of your way to bully someone multiple days in row because of something as inconsequential as not reading lore in a game. this perosn is in their own corner, minding their business and just making art for fun. in what way does it harm you that they didn't read the lore? them not knowing it doesn't suddenly make the lore irrelevant. i used to really like you but this behavior is actually genuinely shocking to me like you're sincerely being unnecessarily cruel at this point over something that isn't even morally Wrong. they aren't even making false claims about the characters or spreading misinformation. im just. very very confused where this meanness is stemming from. people can casually enjoy pieces of media without having the urge or time to dive deep into it. that doesnt affect anyone. it doesnt stop you or anyone else from deep diving. how is this an issue that warrants you vague posting for multiple days this is fucked up

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