qt anon · 11d

mayaa about the vid you shared of sgyv catching feelings, im kinda new on soogyuism but I notice in the vid that they start getting more closer since blue hour, is that right? (im guessing its bcs they were roommates) and during lolo era theres a obvious switch in their friendship and start getting deeper conversations, spend time together more and even make plans for their future 🤧

i noticed this too. well they were roommates around blue hour and stopped being so around 0x1 era so a lot of ppl would agree their new distance kind of made them miss and appreciate each other’s presence more, which probably led to them making more effort to hang out. the other cute stuff like planning for a cafe, having a shared love for dogs, similar music tastes, etc. these things came about later on as, i think, a coincidence, that they just happen to have a lot of similar interests that make them somewhat compatible with each other. even tho i’m sure it’s not all sunshine and rainbows and they have probably had their own share of issues and misunderstandings, witnessing how their friendship has developed over the years has just been lovely.

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