qt anon · 11d

there's no point in entertaining these people's ideas, you and the few other sgyuist's i've seen responding to their ill-intentioned "takes" are being too considerate 😭 most of these people just want you all to keep the sgyu hype down and on the low, that's it. and it's very obvious too. because that's how it used to be. sgyuists weren't really that "loud" as in vocally and freely expressing as much hype and excitement and appreciation for their bond as they do now whether through words only or with content as well. not that they didn't do it, because they did and we've had certain accounts like angel making the sweetest sgyu content for the longest time now too, so that's not what i'm trying to say here, but the difference in energy between then and now is definitely evident and present! sgyuists also feel a lot more united now too and i love that! that definitely contributes to the difference in energy and what brings such good and positive vibes around here. i feel like it was kinda a chain reaction type of situation? where a few people decided to be more firm with where they stand and with how they express themselves or how they lay down their arguments with people who maliciously try to put the ship/rl bond between them down. and then more people joined in over time. and the non-sgyu liker crowd hates it! because it also means a lot more sgyu appreciation and a lot more sgyu content being spread around and this time not through a very limited amount of people/accounts but multiple! especially as our little community grows. and they're not used to that. them as a pairing gaining popularity is also something new and, for them, obviously uncomfortable. they're not used to that either. well, unless you're a normal person who is actually here for the group first and foremost before any shipping at all. and who can appreciate the members or the bonds they have with others outside of the pairings you personally favor and ships that you gravitate towards to. then you won't have a problem with any of this at all. but, unfortunately, as we can see, that's not the case with a good amount of people over here, on the rps side. they can't even grasp the concept of it. because, really, you don't have to talk about every single ship or every single member at all times 24/7 with Equal Amount Of Tweets Distributed for them all, as some might think, for whatever reason. first of all, that's impossible and simply crazy to expect out of anyone. we are not bots. second of all, all you actually need to see whether someone appreciates or respects a member or the relationship they have with others is THE WAY THEY TALK ABOUT THEM. and that's Exactly what icks and irks me with people like those we've seen in your retrospring or some of the others' sgyuists' retros. the way they talk about sgyu or talk OVER them and just... straight up disrespecting them, their thoughts and feelings, some of their vulnerable moments that they trusted us with and transparently shared. the things they've said THEMSELVES. and it's appalling. just no shame, common sense or decency. you don't have to like them as a ship to be a normal, respectful person. the least you can do if you encounter sgyu content, that you're obviously not a fan of, is fucking scroll. just go to the content of the ship that you do love and enjoy it there instead of being miserable and ruining shit and enjoyment of those who do like sgyu. it's not that hard.

i feel your frustration anon, which is why i think a lot of sgyuists have just gotten tired of the very weird way other shippers treat sgyu. when other duos have a moment i honestly love talking about them too, but when it’s sgyu, suddenly sgyuists are bigheaded & sgyu is company pushed and blah blah blah. it’s exhausting.

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